Taking the Grand Gospel
to the Grand Valley and Beyond.


We are a connected network of pastors and churches across Colorado seeking to accomplish Great Commission work.

Ministry opportunities for both pastors and church members that open the door to community engagement with the Gospel.

A cooperative relationship and understanding that you are not alone in ministry. We strongly believe that we are truly better together.

upcoming events

resources for your church


We have grants available to help you take the gospel to the community through evangelism and grants that will help you pay for those much needed upgrades to your building.


Access to resources like our Block Party Trailer, an fun and inexpensive way for your church to host special events for your church and your community.


Our Next Steps process is a four step process to help your church Discover, Design, Engage, and Celebrate the gospel impact in your community. 


Our seasoned team of leaders are available to partner with you in prayer, encouragement, mentorship, and fellowship as you seek to disciple your church and evangelize your community.